Friday, March 29, 2013

Legalize for Rights, Not Morals

Texas is for the most part an extremely conservative state. Many of our opinions and perspectives are based off of religion and not logic. Is it logical for us, as Texans, to strip someone of these rights: the right to certain benefits related to work and social security, the right to make medical decisions when a loved one cannot make their own, the right to assume owning joint property, the right to parent and make decisions for a child one considers their own? Is that LOGICAL? No.

Texas needs to set their conservative views aside, use some logic and realize regardless of these people's sexual orientation, they are still human. They still breathe the same air as us, eat from the same ground, and contribute to our economy and society the same way they do. Texas should either legalize these rights for same sex partners or legalize same sex marriage. It is not about the bible, and what their "God" thinks is right. It is about human rights, and human equality.

This argument is so frustrating the reason being, these people have nothing against those who do not support them except for the fact that they do not support them. They just want equal rights. They just want those who do not recognize to recognize they are just as much functional people in this society: who work, pay taxes, have kids who are in public schools, who suffer from illness. Just as we all do, yet because they are attracted to the same sex they do not deserve equal rights. This is our America right? This is the gracious place of the "American Dream" where  we are made of freedom, and equality? This is freedom and equality?