Monday, April 15, 2013

Bag Bans: Positive or negative?

I completely disagree with  Through The Eyes of a Texan 's post to repeal the Bag Ban. The intentions of the bag ban is not work on being a step closer to bettering the environment, not one's pocket. If one is financially responsible enough to be able to purchase groceries, one should be able to purchase one or two dollar  reusable bag that holds double if not triple what a plastic bag holds. 

I'm 20 and I live in Pflugerville and have previous experience working at a grocery store, the bag ban has not even been enforced here and 8 out of the 10 people that walk out the door have groceries in a reusable bag. I have my own reusable bags, and there are so many different kinds that make it difficult to forget, like the ones that are compact enough to fit in a woman's purse, or the ones that fold up. 

It's difficult to come up with an excuse to not bring a reusable bag when the positives outweigh the negatives. The plastic bags that the few heartbroken are so desperate to use are the same plastic bags that are not biodegradable, they trap wild life, and if thrown away instead of recycling they end up in our waste composites and create harmful toxins when burned. 

As far as the reusable bags being unsanitary, that is one's own prerogative. If one would like a clean place to put their groceries then there are ways to sanitize one's bags. 

I think it's safe to say spending an extra dollar for something one can reuse at any store as they please is worth saving hundreds of thousands of animals, not unintentionally polluting our air and  creating a less harmful place to live in.

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